

Morgan’s classification Morisawa flood-peak formula Morley, Edward Williams Morley-Minto reforms (1909) Morley’s Theorem
Mormons morning star Moro, Aldo (1916–78) Morocco morph
morpheme morphine morphing morphism morphoclimatic zone
morphodynamics morphogen morphogenesis morphogenetic region morphogenetic zone
morphological impact assessment system morphological mapping morphological system morphology morphometric analysis
morphometrics morphometry morphospace morphospecies morphotectonics
morphotype Morrison of Lambeth, Herbert Stanley Morrison, Baron (1888–1965) Morrowan Morse code Morse potential
Morse Theory Morsi, Mohammed (1951–2019) mortality mortality rate mortar texture
Mortensnes mortgage mortgage-backed security mortgage interest relief at source Mortimer, Roger de, 8th Baron of Wigmore and 1st Earl of March (1287–1330)
Mortimer’s Cross, Battle of (2 February 1461) Morton, Frank (1906–99) Morton, John (1420–1500) Morton, William Thomas Green Morukov, Boris Vladimirovich (1950–2015)
morula Morínigo, Higinio (1897–1985) MOS Mosaic mosaic
mosaic crystal mosaic display mosaic electrode mosaic evolution mosaic gold
mosaic heterochrony mosaic texture Mosander, Carl Gustav Mosasauridae mosasaurs
MOS capacitor Moscovian moscovium Moscow zero Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys
Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys (1887–1915) Moseley’s law Moser’s circle problem Moses ben Maimon MOSFET
MOS integrated circuit Moskva Drift Mosley, Sir Oswald Ernald (1896–1980) MOS logic circuit mosquito
MOSRAM moss moss agate mosses mossy
MOST Mosteller, Charles Frederick (1916–2006) most favoured nation most powerful test MOS transistor
most significant bit most significant character MOT moth mothballing
motherboard mother cloud mother liquor mother-of-coal mother-of-pearl
mother-of-pearl cloud mother wavelet moth-eye moths motion
motional impedance motion blur motion capture motion detector Motion JPEG
motion prediction motivation motor motorboating motor cell
motorcycle motor gasoline motor generator motor neuron Motorola
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