

volumetric flask volumetric flow rate volumetric flux volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient volumetric radar
volume visualization voluntarism voluntary voluntary exchange voluntary export restraint
voluntary muscle voluntary unemployment volute chamber volutin vomeronasal organ
von Baeyer nomenclature von Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian (1912–1977) von Euler, Ulf Svante von Hann window von Karman–Prandtl equation
von Kármán, Theodore von Kármán, Theodore (1881–1963) von Laue, Max von Laue, Max Theodor Felix von Mises distribution
von Mises, Richard Martin Edler (1883–1953) Vonnegut, Bernard Von Neumann, John Von Neumann, John (1903–57) von Neumann, John (1903–57)
von Neumann machine von Neumann universe von Ohain, Hans Joachim Pabst von Thünen models von Wright, Georg Henrik (1916–2003)
von Zeipel theorem Voortrekkers V operation VOR Voronoi diagram
Voronoi, Georgy Fedoseevich (1868–1908) Voronoi polygon Voronoi polyhedron Vorster, John (1915–83) vortal
vortex vortex breaker vortex dynamics vortex flow meter vortex pinning
vortex (pl. vortices) vortex shedding vorticity Vortigern Voskhod
Voss, James Shelton (1949– ) Voss, Janice Elaine (1956–2012) Vostochny Cosmodrome Vostok voter mobility table
voters’ paradox voting voting logic voting share voucher
voxel Voyager VPE VPN VPSV
VR VRM Chancellor of the Exchequer chance nodes chancery
chance variable Chandler period Chandler, Seth Carlo Chandler wobble Chandragupta Maurya (325–297)
Chandrasekhar limit Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (1910–95) Chandrasekhar–Schönberg limit Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Chandra X-ray Observatory Chandrayaan-1 Changamire (fl. c.1500) Chang-Diaz, Franklin Ramon (1950– ) change
Change Cipher Spec Protocol change detection change detection tool change dump change management
change of base(of logarithms) change of basis change of coordinates change of observer change of phase
change of variable(in integration) change-point problem Changhsingian Changlangpuan Chang, Min Chueh
Chang Tsai (1020–77) Chang Zheng Chang’e Chang’e programme channel
channel and vug porosity channel capacity channel classification channel code channel coding
channel coding theorem channel controller Channel Deposits channel error channel fill
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