

vogesite Vogt, Johan Hermann Lie (1858–1932) Vogt–Russell theorem voice voice activation
voice activity detection voiceband voice biometrics voice coil voiced
voice-grade channel voice grade line voice input device voiceless voice mail
voice mail system voice messaging voice-operated relay Voice over Internet Protocol voice over IP
voice recognition VoiceXML void voidage void ratio
void set Voigt model Voigt profile VOIP VoIP
Volans volatile volatile memory volatility volcanic-arc zone
volcanic ash volcanic bomb volcanic centres volcanic conduit volcanic cone
Volcanic Constructs volcanic dome volcanic dust volcanic-exhalative processes Volcanic Explosivity Index
volcanic haze volcanicity volcaniclastic volcanic neck volcanic pile
Volcanic Plains volcanic plug Volcanic units volcanism volcano
volcano-tectonic depression vole Volgian volition volonté générale, volonté de tous
Volstead Act (1919) volt Volta, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio (1745–1827) Volta, Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio voltage
voltage amplifier voltage between lines voltage clamp voltage-controlled amplifier voltage-controlled current source
voltage-controlled voltage source voltage divider voltage doubler voltage drop voltage feedback
voltage gain voltage-gated ion channel voltage generator voltage jump voltage law
voltage level voltage-mode circuits voltage multiplier voltage reference diode voltage regulator
voltage-regulator diode voltage relay voltage selector voltage source voltage stabilizer
voltage(symbol: V; unit: volt) voltage transformer voltaic cell voltaic pile Voltaire (1694–1778)
voltameter volt-ampere(symbol: VA) volt efficiency Volterra integral equation voltmeter
volt per metre volt(symbol: V) volume volume charge density volume compressor
volume control volume diameter volume diffusion volume element volume index
volume integral volume label volume lifetime volume limiter volumenometer
volume of a solid of revolution volume resistivity volume scattering volumetric analysis volumetric efficiency
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