

two-way merge two-way non-coherent mode two-way table two-way travel time Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers
two-wire circuit two’s complement two’s-complement notation TWT tychism
Tycho Tycho Brahe Tycho Catalogue Tychonic system Tychonoff space
Tychonoff’s theorem Tycho’s Star Tyler, John (1790–1862) Tyler, Wat (1381) tylose
tympanic bone tympanic cavity tympanum Tyndale, William (1494–1536) Tyndall effect
Tyndall, John type type 0, 1, 2, 3 language Type 1 font Type 3 font
type A and B metals typeahead type A metal type area type B metal
Type I type I and II errors Type I earthquake source Type I error type I fibre
Type II earthquake source Type II error type II fibre type-insensitive code type locality
type section type series type specimen types, theory of type system
type-token ambiguity type-type identity typewriter terminal typhoon typical sequence
typological method typological species concept tyramine Tyrannosaurus rex Tyrone, Hugh O’Neill, 2nd Earl of (1540–1616)
tyrosine tyrosine kinase Tyrrhenian Tyurin, Mikhail Vladislavovich (1960– ) tzu jan
Tz’u‐hsi TÜBİTAK National Observatory t–d T–d curve t–x curve
UARS UART ubac Ubendian orogeny ubiquinone
ubiquitin ubiquitous computing UBV photometry UBVRIJKL photometry Uchatius process
Uchinoura Space Centre UCP UCS UCS-2 UCS-4
Udayana (11th) Udden–Wentworth scale UDF Udocanian UDP
UFD Ufer process Ufimian UFL UFO
Uganda U Geminorum star ugliness UHD UHF
Uhlenbeck, George Eugene UHT Uhuru UHV UI
UIMS Uitlanders Uivakian orogeny UJT UK Data Service
UK-DMC-2 UKIDSS UKIDSS photometry UKIRT UKIRT Infrared Deep-Sky Survey
UKISC UKMT Ukraine UK Space Gateway UKST
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