matter of fact |
matter, states of |
Matthews, Drummond Hoyle |
Matthias, Bernd Teo |
Matthias I (1443–90) |
Mattingly, Thomas, II (1936– ) |
Matura diamond |
maturation |
maturation-promoting factor |
maturity |
Matuyama |
Matuyama, Motonori |
Matuyama, Motonori (1884–1958) |
Mauchly test |
Maud |
Mau Mau |
Mauna Kea Observatories |
Maunder, Edward Walter |
Maunder, (Edward) Walter (1851–1928) |
Maunder minimum |
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de |
Maupertuis, Pierre‐Louis Moreau de (1698–1759) |
Mauritania |
Mauritius |
Mauryan empire |
Maury, Antonia Caetana de Paiva Pereira |
Maury, Matthew Fontaine |
Maury, Matthew Fontaine (1806–73) |
maxicell |
maxilla |
maxilliped |
maxillula |
maxim |
maximal element |
maximal ideal |
maximal information coefficient |
maximally flat |
maximal matching |
maximal torus |
Maximilian (1832–67) |
Maximilian I (1459–1519) |
maximin |
maximin principle |
maximin strategy |
maximize |
maximum |
maximum allowable working pressure |
maximum and minimum thermometer |
maximum drying rate |
maximum-entropy method |
maximum flow/minimum cut theorem |
maximum-length sequence |
maximum likelihood |
maximum-likelihood classification |
maximum-likelihood decoding |
maximum likelihood estimate |
maximum likelihood estimator |
maximum likelihood, method of |
maximum likelihood sequence estimation |
maximum-likelihood tree |
maximum modulus theorem |
maximum parsimony |
maximum-parsimony tree |
maximum permissible dose |
maximum power theorem |
maximum specific growth rate |
maximum sustainable yield |
maximum thermometer |
maximum transmission unit |
max Q |
max sort |
maxterm |
maxwell |
Maxwell bridge |
Maxwell Gap |
Maxwell, James Clerk |
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–79) |
Maxwell mantle |
Maxwell model |
Maxwell Montes |
Maxwell relations |
maxwell(symbol: Mx) |
Maxwell Telescope |
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution |
Maxwell’s demon |
Maxwell’s equations |
Maxwell’s rule |
Maxwell’s thermodynamic equations |
max‐flow/min‐cut |
Maya |
maya |
Mayall Telescope |
Mayan |
Mayer f-function |
Mayer, Julius Robert von |
Mayer’s test |
Mayflower |
mayfly |
May Fourth Movement |
Maynard Smith, John |
Mayow, John |
Mayr, Ernst Walter |
Mayvillian |
Mazarin, Jules (1602–61) |
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–72) |
MB |
Mb |
M band |
Mbeki, Thabo (1942–) |
Mboya, Tom (1926–69) |
Mbps |
Mbyte |
McArthur, William Surles, Jr (1951– ) |
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