Brandenburg Gate |
Brandenstein, Daniel Charles (1943– ) |
brand loyalty |
Brandom, Robert (1950– ) |
Brandon |
brand recognition |
Brandreth, Jeremiah |
Brandt, Georg |
Brandt Report |
Brandt, Willy (1913–92) |
Brand, Vance DeVoe (1931– ) |
Brandywine, Battle of (11 September 1777) |
brane world |
Brans, Carl Henry |
Brans–Dicke theory |
Brasilsat |
brass |
brassinosteroid |
Brattain, Walter |
Brattain, Walter Houser |
Brauchitsch, Walter von (1881–1948) |
braunerde |
braunite |
Braun, Karl Ferdinand |
Braun, Karl Ferdinand (1850–1918) |
Bravais lattice |
Bravais law |
Bravais rule |
Bray–Curtis distance |
Brazil |
Brazil current |
Brazilian CubeSat Project-1 |
Brazilian Space Agency |
brazing |
breadboard |
breadboard model |
breadcrumb navigation |
breadcrumb trail |
bread-crust bomb |
breadth-first search |
break |
break-back thrust |
breakdown |
MDM Observatory |
MD-plot |
Meade, Carl Joseph (1950– ) |
Meade Review |
Mead, George Herbert (1863–1931) |
Mealy circuit |
Mealy machine |
mean |
mean absolute deviation |
mean absolute error |
mean absolute percentage error |
mean anomaly |
mean chart |
mean current density |
mean curvature |
mean daily motion |
mean density of matter |
meander |
meander belt |
meander core |
meander migration |
meander neck |
meander scroll |
meander wavelength |
mean deviation |
mean equator |
mean equinox |
mean field theory |
mean free path |
mean free time |
mean hydraulic depth |
mean hydraulic diameter |
mean information field |
meaning |
meaning postulates |
mean life |
Mean Local Solar Time |
mean motion |
mean opinion score |
mean parallax |
mean place |
mean pole |
mean position |
mean reversion |
mean sea level |
means/ends analysis |
means-ends reasoning |
mean sidereal time |
means of production |
mean solar day |
mean solar time |
mean-spherical approximation |
mean square |
mean squared deviation |
mean squared error |
means test |
means-tested benefits |
mean sun |
mean time |
mean time between failures |
mean time to failure |
mean value(of a function) |
mean value theorem |
mean-variance preferences |
mean velocity |
measurable function |
measurable set |
measurand |
measure |
measurement |
measurement error |
measurement of appearance |
measurements of central tendency |
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