Mangalyaan |
manganate(VI) |
manganate(VII) |
manganese |
manganese(IV) oxide |
manganese nodule |
manganese star |
manganese(symbol: Mn) |
manganic compounds |
manganin |
manganite |
manganous compounds |
Mangaorapan |
Mangaotanean |
Mangapanian |
mango |
mangrove swamp |
Manhattan distance |
Manhattan norm |
Manhattan Project |
Manichaeanism |
manifest destiny |
manifest image |
manifest variable |
manifold |
Manila Bay, Battle of (1 May 1898) |
man in the middle attack |
man-machine interface |
man-made noise |
man-made soil |
manna |
mannan |
manned manoeuvring unit |
Manned Orbital Laboratory |
Mannerheim, Carl Gustav Emil, Baron von (1867–1951) |
Mannheim, Karl (1893–1947) |
Mann, Henry Berthold (1905–2000) |
Mannich reaction |
Manning equation |
Manning formula |
mannitol |
mannose |
mannose-binding lectin |
Mann Whitney U-test |
Mann–Whitney test |
Mann–Whitney U test |
manoeuvre |
manometer |
manor |
manorial system |
man-rated |
Mansa Musa (1307–37) |
Mansfield, Peter |
Manson, Sir Patrick |
Mansurian |
Mantell, Gideon Algernon |
Mantell, Gideon Algernon (1790–1852) |
Mantel, Nathan (1919–2002) |
Mantel–Haenszel statistic |
Mantel–Haenszel test |
mantissa |
mantle |
mantle array |
mantle bedding |
mantle cavity |
mantle convection |
mantle creep |
mantled gneiss dome |
mantle lobe |
mantle plume |
manto |
mantra |
manual control |
manual submission |
manufacturing industry |
manway |
many-body problem |
many questions, fallacy of |
many-sorted algebra |
many-sorted logic |
many-sorted predicate calculus |
many-sorted signature |
many-valued function |
many-valued logic |
many-worlds interpretation |
many‐to‐one |
Manzikert, Battle of (1071) |
Mao 1 |
Maoism |
Maori |
Maotianshan shale |
Mao Zedong (1893–1976) |
Maozhangian |
map |
MAP kinase |
maple |
map method |
mapping |
map projection |
map unit |
Maquis |
Maratha |
Maratha Wars (1774–82) |
Marathon |
Marat, Jean Paul (1743–93) |
marble |
Marburg school |
marcasite |
Marcel, Gabriel (1889–1973) |
Marchantiophyta |
marcher lord |
marching cubes |
marching tetrahedra |
Marconi antenna |
Marconi, Guglielmo (1874–1937) |
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