

Black-Scholes equation Black September black shale Blackshirt Black, Sir James Whyte
BlackSky Constellation black smoker Blackstone, William (1723–80) Black Swan black swan event
blackthorn Blackwell, David Harold (1919–2010) Blackwell, Elizabeth (1821–1910) black widow Black Widow Pulsar
Black–Scholes equation Black–Scholes model bladder bladderworm bladderwort
blade bladed Blagden, Sir Charles Blaha, John Elmer (1942– ) Blaine, James Gillespie (1830–93)
Blair House Agreement Blair, Tony (1953) Blake Blake, Robert (1599–1657) Blakeslee, Albert Francis
blanc fixe Blanc, Louis (1811–82) blancmange function Blanco, Antonio Guzmán Bland-Altman plot
Blandford–Znajek process blank blank-and-burst blank character blanket bog
blanketing blanking blanking level Blanqui, Louis Auguste (1805–81) -blast
BLAST blast furnace blasting gelatin blasto- blastocoel
blastocyst blastoderm blast-off blastomere blastopore
blastoporphyritic Blastozoa blast ratio blastula blast wave
B-layer blazar Blaze Star Blazhko effect bleach
bleaching powder bleb bleed bleeding edge bleicherde
blend blende blended threat blenders blending
blending inheritance Blenheim, Battle of (13 August 1704) BLEVE BL Herculis star Bligh, William (1754–1817)
blind carbon copy blind hole blinding blinding(in design of experiments) blind pores
blindsight blind spot blind thrust blind valley blind zone
blink blink comparator Blinking Planetary blinking text B list
Blitzkrieg blizzard blizzards BL Lacertae object bloatware
BLOB blobby model blob tracking bloc Bloch, Ernst Simon (1885–1977)
Bloch, Felix Bloch, Felix (1905–83) Bloch, Konrad Emil Bloch sphere Bloch walls
Bloch’s theorem block block-and-ash deposit blockbusting blockchain
block cipher block code block compaction block copolymer block design
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