

osmotic pressure osmotic shock osmotroph OSO osprey
OSR ossicle ossicles ossification O star
Osteichthyes ostensive definition osteoblast osteoclast osteocyte
osteoid osteon osteonectin osteostracans Osteostraci
ostia ostiole ostium Ostpolitik ostracism
Ostracoda Ostracodermi ostracoderms ostracum ostrich dinosaur
Ostrogoths Ostwald-de Waele equation Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm (1853–1932) Ostwald process
Ostwald ripening Ostwald’s dilution law Ostwald’s step rule Osumi Oswald, Lee Harvey (1939–63)
Oswald, St (c.605–42) Oswald, Stephen Scott (1951– ) Oswy (670) OS X OT
OTA Otaian Otamitan Otapirian Otariidae
OTDR Oteke other minds otherness other-regarding
Other, the Othmer, Donald Frederick (1904–95) OTLP OTM otolith
OTRAG rocket Ottawa Agreements (1932) otter Otterburn, Battle of (5 August 1388) Otto engine
Otto I (912–73) Otto III (980–1002) Ottoman empire Otto, Nikolaus August (1832–91) ottrelite
O-type microwave tube ouabain Oudenarde, Battle of (1708) ouden mallon ought
Oughtred, William OUI ounce OUR ousia
outbreeding outburst flood outcome outcome variable outcrop
outdegree outerarc outer code outer ear outer fence
outer measure outer planet outer product outer space Outer Space Treaty
outer-sphere mechanism outgassing outgroup outlet glacier outlier
out-of-bag sample out of office reply out of phase out-of-phase component output
output area output device output effect output gap output impedance
output-limited process output method output per hour worked output signal output transformer
Outremer outside money outsourcing outwash outwash (outwash sands) and gravels
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