osmotic pressure |
osmotic shock |
osmotroph |
osprey |
ossicle |
ossicles |
ossification |
O star |
Osteichthyes |
ostensive definition |
osteoblast |
osteoclast |
osteocyte |
osteoid |
osteon |
osteonectin |
osteostracans |
Osteostraci |
ostia |
ostiole |
ostium |
Ostpolitik |
ostracism |
Ostracoda |
Ostracodermi |
ostracoderms |
ostracum |
ostrich dinosaur |
Ostrogoths |
Ostwald-de Waele equation |
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm |
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm (1853–1932) |
Ostwald process |
Ostwald ripening |
Ostwald’s dilution law |
Ostwald’s step rule |
Osumi |
Oswald, Lee Harvey (1939–63) |
Oswald, St (c.605–42) |
Oswald, Stephen Scott (1951– ) |
Oswy (670) |
OS X |
OT |
Otaian |
Otamitan |
Otapirian |
Otariidae |
Oteke |
other minds |
otherness |
other-regarding |
Other, the |
Othmer, Donald Frederick (1904–95) |
otolith |
OTRAG rocket |
Ottawa Agreements (1932) |
otter |
Otterburn, Battle of (5 August 1388) |
Otto engine |
Otto I (912–73) |
Otto III (980–1002) |
Ottoman empire |
Otto, Nikolaus August (1832–91) |
ottrelite |
O-type microwave tube |
ouabain |
Oudenarde, Battle of (1708) |
ouden mallon |
ought |
Oughtred, William |
ounce |
ousia |
outbreeding |
outburst flood |
outcome |
outcome variable |
outcrop |
outdegree |
outerarc |
outer code |
outer ear |
outer fence |
outer measure |
outer planet |
outer product |
outer space |
Outer Space Treaty |
outer-sphere mechanism |
outgassing |
outgroup |
outlet glacier |
outlier |
out-of-bag sample |
out of office reply |
out of phase |
out-of-phase component |
output |
output area |
output device |
output effect |
output gap |
output impedance |
output-limited process |
output method |
output per hour worked |
output signal |
output transformer |
Outremer |
outside money |
outsourcing |
outwash |
outwash (outwash sands) and gravels |
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