

Currie, Nancy Jane (1958– ) Curry’s paradox curse of dimensionality cursor Cursus Honorum
Curtin, John (1885–1945) Curtis, Heber Doust curvature curvature(of a planar curve) curvature(of a surface)
curvature of field curvature of space curvature of spacetime curvature radiation curve
curve compression curve-fitting problem curve of growth curve sketching curvilinear coordinates
curvilinear regression model curvilinear relation Curvolithus Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston (1859–1925) Cush
cusp cuspate foreland cusp cap cuspidate Custer, George (1839–76)
custom customary units customer bounty customer data integration customer relationship management
customer relationship management system customizable graphical user interface Customs and Excise customs and excise customs drawback
customs duty custom software customs union cusum chart cut
cutan cut and fill cut and paste cut elimination cut elimination theorem
cut formula cut free cuticle cuticularization cutin
cut(in a network) cutinite cutinization cutis cut-off
cut-off frequency cut-off grade cut-off high cut-off low cut-off trench
cut-off voltage((of a television camera tube)) cut-out cutout cut plane cut point
cut-point cut set cut-sheet feed cuts in expenditure cut-throat competition
cutting cutting agent cutting bar cutting boom cut vector
cut vertex Cuvier, Baron Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier, Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert (‘Georges’), Baron (1769–1832) Cuzick trend test C-V curves
CWIS cwm CXO cyanamide cyanamide process
cyanate cyanelle cyanic acid cyanide cyanide process
cyanine dyes cyanoacrylate Cyanobacteria cyanobacteria cyanocobalamin
cyanogen cyano group cyanohydrins Cyanophyta cyanophyte
cyanuric acid Cybele group cyberbullying cybercafé cybercash
cybercrime cybermediary Cyber Monday cybernetics cyberpunk
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