

Danckwerts, Peter Victor (1916–84) Danckwerts’ surface renewal theory Dandolo, Enrico (1108–1205) Danegeld Danelaw
dangerous substance dangling bond dangling else dangling reference Danian
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope Daniell cell Daniell, John Frederic Daniell weights Daniell window
Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics Danjon scale Dansgaard, Willi Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) cycles Dansgaard–Oeschger event
DANTE Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) Danto, Arthur C. (1924–2013) Danton, Georges (1759–94) Dantzig, George Bernard (1914–2005)
dao Daphnia DAR daraf(symbol: F–1) Darboux’s theorem
Darboux’s theorem(Darboux integral) darcy Darcy, Henry Philibert Gaspard (1803–58) Darcy–Weisbach equation Darcy’s law
Darius I (550–486) dark adaptation Dark Ages overlapping generations economy overlay
overlay network overload overload attack overloading overload level
overload management overload release overman overmanning overmodulation
Overmyer, Robert Franklyn (1936–96) overnight money overparameterized model overpopulation overpotential
overpressure over-privileged user oversampling overscanning overseas bank
overseas investment overshoot overshoot boundary overshooting overspecialization
overspill overstep over-stimulation over-subscription over-the-counter market
over the wire overthrust overtime overtime ban overtone
overtone mode overtones overtrading overturned fold over-urbanization
over-valued currency over-voltage overvoltage overvoltage release overwrite
overwriting virus oviduct oviparity ovipositor ovoviviparity
ovulation ovule ovuliferous scale ovum OVV quasar
Owen bridge Owen, Richard (1804–92) Owen, Robert (1771–1858) Owens Valley Radio Observatory owl
Owl Nebula owl of Minerva OWLT own coding owner-occupied housing
ownership oxalate oxalic acid oxaloacetic acid oxazole
oxbow ox-bow lake Oxenstierna, Axel Gustaffson, Count (1583–1654) Oxford Calculators Oxfordian
Oxford Movement Oxford philosophy oxfuel oxic oxic horizon
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