Danckwerts, Peter Victor (1916–84) |
Danckwerts’ surface renewal theory |
Dandolo, Enrico (1108–1205) |
Danegeld |
Danelaw |
dangerous substance |
dangling bond |
dangling else |
dangling reference |
Danian |
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope |
Daniell cell |
Daniell, John Frederic |
Daniell weights |
Daniell window |
Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics |
Danjon scale |
Dansgaard, Willi |
Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) cycles |
Dansgaard–Oeschger event |
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) |
Danto, Arthur C. (1924–2013) |
Danton, Georges (1759–94) |
Dantzig, George Bernard (1914–2005) |
dao |
Daphnia |
daraf(symbol: F–1) |
Darboux’s theorem |
Darboux’s theorem(Darboux integral) |
darcy |
Darcy, Henry Philibert Gaspard (1803–58) |
Darcy–Weisbach equation |
Darcy’s law |
Darius I (550–486) |
dark adaptation |
Dark Ages |
overlapping generations economy |
overlay |
overlay network |
overload |
overload attack |
overloading |
overload level |
overload management |
overload release |
overman |
overmanning |
overmodulation |
Overmyer, Robert Franklyn (1936–96) |
overnight money |
overparameterized model |
overpopulation |
overpotential |
overpressure |
over-privileged user |
oversampling |
overscanning |
overseas bank |
overseas investment |
overshoot |
overshoot boundary |
overshooting |
overspecialization |
overspill |
overstep |
over-stimulation |
over-subscription |
over-the-counter market |
over the wire |
overthrust |
overtime |
overtime ban |
overtone |
overtone mode |
overtones |
overtrading |
overturned fold |
over-urbanization |
over-valued currency |
over-voltage |
overvoltage |
overvoltage release |
overwrite |
overwriting virus |
oviduct |
oviparity |
ovipositor |
ovoviviparity |
ovulation |
ovule |
ovuliferous scale |
ovum |
OVV quasar |
Owen bridge |
Owen, Richard (1804–92) |
Owen, Robert (1771–1858) |
Owens Valley Radio Observatory |
owl |
Owl Nebula |
owl of Minerva |
own coding |
owner-occupied housing |
ownership |
oxalate |
oxalic acid |
oxaloacetic acid |
oxazole |
oxbow |
ox-bow lake |
Oxenstierna, Axel Gustaffson, Count (1583–1654) |
Oxford Calculators |
Oxfordian |
Oxford Movement |
Oxford philosophy |
oxfuel |
oxic |
oxic horizon |
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