

cotton gin cottonmouth Cottrell precipitator cotyledon Cotylosauria
Couder telescope coudé focus coudé system Couette flow Couette rheometer
cougar coulomb Coulomb barrier Coulomb blockade Coulomb, Charles Augustin de
Coulomb, Charles Augustin de (1736–1806) Coulomb drag Coulomb explosion Coulomb failure criterion Coulomb field
Coulomb force coulombmeter coulomb(symbol: C) Coulomb–Terzaghi shear strength equation Coulomb’s law
Coulson, John Metcalfe (1910–90) coulter counter coulée flow coumarin coumarone
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils council housing Council of Economic Advisers Council of Europe
council tax count countable countable set countably infinite
countdown counter countercurrent flow countercurrent heat exchange countercurrent multiplier system
counterexample counterfactual counterfactual analysis counterfactual conditional counterfeit Web site
counterflow counter/frequency meter counterglow counter-induction counter ion
counterlogical counter-mapping countermodel counterpart counterpart theory
counter-party Oldham, Richard Dixon Oldham, Richard Dixon (1858–1936) Oldowan old quantum theory
Old Red Sandstone Continent Oldshue–Rushton column Old Style date Old Tom the Killer Whale Olduvai
OLE oleaginous oleate olecranon process OLED
olefines olefins oleic acid Olenekian Olenelloidea
oleosome oleum olfaction olfactory lobe oligimer
oligo- Oligocene Oligochaeta oligoclase oligodendrocyte
oligohaline water oligomictic oligonucleotide oligopeptide oligopoly
oligopsony oligosaccharide oligotaxic times oligotrophic Olin–Raschig process
Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin olisthostrome olistolith olistostrome Olivas, John Daniel (1966– )
olivine olivine dolerite Olivi, Peter John (1247/8–98) Oljato Olmec
Olmert, Ehud (1945) OLS Olympia Olympus Olympus Mons
O magnitude Oman Omar Khayyam omasum ombrotrophic
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