

phase alternate line (PAL) phase encoding (PE) phase modulation (PM) phase-shift keying (PSK) PHB (Per-Hop Behavior)
phi phenomenon phishing phone book Phone Power phonetic alphabet
photon photon photon photonic cross-connect (PXC) photonics
photophone PHS (Personal Handyphone System) PHY (PHYsical Layer) physical Physical Layer (PHY)
Physical Medium (PM) physical reach physical topology Physical Unit (PU) physics
picker picocell piconet PID (Pager Identification Number) piezoelectric effect
ping PIN (Positive Intrinsic Negative) PIN (Positive Intrinsic Negative) PIN (Positive Intrinsic Negative) pipe
PISN (Private Integrated Services Network) PISO (parallel-in, serial-out) pixel ( pics element) pizza box PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
PKM (Privacy Key Management) plain old telephone service (POTS) plain text plastic optical fiber (POF) platform independent
PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) PLC (PowerLine Carrier) plenum plenum cable plesiochronous
plesiochronous Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) PLP (Packet Layer Protocol) plug
Plug and Play (PnP) plug ’n’ play (plug and play) PM PMD (Polarization Mode Dispersion) PMI (Property Management Interface)
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) PNNI PnP (Plug and Play) PnP (Plug and Play) PN (Pseudorandom Noise or PseudoNoise)
PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) POCSAG (Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group) PoE (Power over Ethernet) POF (Plastic Optical Fiber)
POH (Path OverHead) pointer point of presence (POP) point of termination (POT) point-to-multipoint circuit
point-to-point circuit Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Poisson distribution Poisson distribution
Poisson distribution Poisson, Siméon-Denis (1781–1840) polarity polarization polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
pole pole attachment Pole Attachment Act policing polling
polyethene polyethylene PON (Passive Optical Network) PON (Passive Optical Network) PON (Passive Optical Network)
Pony Express POP POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) port portability
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) portal portal portmanteau portmanteau
POS positive positive intrinsic negative (PIN) Postel, Jon (1943–1998) Postel’s Law
Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group (POCSAG) Post Office Protocol (POP) Post, Telegraph, and Telephone (PTT) potential POT (Point Of Termination)
POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) pound sign power back-off power density powered device (PD)
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