

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) OEO (Optical-Electrical-Optical) OFC (Optical Fiber, Conductive) OFCP (Optical Fiber, Conductive, Plenum) OFCR (Optical Fiber, Conductive, Riser)
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) offered load off-hook off-hook voice announce off-premises extension (OPX)
off-premises station (OPS) offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) offshoring OFN (Optical Fiber, Nonconductive) OFNP (Optical Fiber, Nonconductive, Plenum)
OFNR (Optical Fiber, Nonconductive, Riser) OH Ohm, Georg Simon (1787–1854) Ohm’s Law Ohm’s Law
OLT (Optical Line Terminal) OLT (Optical Line Terminal) Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA 93) OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) ones density
on-hook ONT (Optical Network Terminal) ONU (Optical Network Unit) OOO (Optical-Optical-Optical) opaque OXC (opaque Optical CROSS-Connect)
open circuit open-loop algorithm Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) open source open source software (OSS)
open standard Open Systems Interconnection Model open wire operating system (OS) operations, administration, management, and provisioning (OAM&P)
operations and maintenance (O&M) operations support system (OSS) operator operator operator
OPS (Off-Premises Station) optical optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM) Optical Carrier (OC) optical character recognition (OCR)
optical cross-connect (OXC) optical data unit (ODU) optical-electrical-optical (OEO) optical fiber optical fiber, conductive (OFC)
optical fiber, conductive, plenum (OFCP) optical fiber, conductive, riser (OFCR) optical fiber, nonconductive (OFN) optical fiber, nonconductive, plenum (OFNP) optical fiber, nonconductive, riser (OFNR)
optical isolator optical line-of-sight (optical LOS) optical line terminal (OLT) optical mark recognition (OMR) optical network terminal (ONT)
optical network unit (ONU) optical-optical-optical (OOO) optical transport network (OTN) optical transport unit (OTU) optics
OPX (Off-Premises eXtension) OQPSK (Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) orange hose orderwire .org (organization)
original band (O-Band) original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or ITU-TSS) orthogonal orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
oscillate oscillate oscillator oscillator OSI Reference Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model)
OS (Operating System) OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) OSP (OutSide Plant) OSS (Operations Support System) Ostrofsky, Marc
OTA (over the air) Other Common Carrier (OCC) OTN (Optical Transport Network) OTN (Optical Transport Network) OTU (Optical Transport Unit)
OTU (Optical Transport Unit) out-of-band signaling and control out-of-phase outside plant (OSP) outside vapor deposition (OVD)
outsourcing OVD (Outside Vapor Deposition) overhead overlay overlay area code
overlay carrier over-over oversubscribe oversubscribe over the air (OTA)
over the air (OTA) OXC (Optical CROSS-Connect) P P1024B P.563
P.800 P.861 P.861 P.862 PABX (Private Automatic Branch eXchange)
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