

power failure cut-through power failure transfer powerline carrier (PLC) power over Ethernet (PoE) power (P)
power sourcing equipment (PSE) p-persistent carrier sense multiple access (P-Persistent CSMA) P-Persistent CSMA (P-Persistent Carrier Sense Multiple Access) P-phone (Proprietary phone) P-phone (Proprietary phone)
PPO (Private Paging Operator) PPO (Private Paging Operator) PPPoA (PPP over ATM) PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) PPV (Pay-Per-View) PRA (Primary Rate Access)
predictive dialer preform cylinder premise premises presence
presence technology Presentation Layer press-to-talk (PTT) press-to-talk (PTT) presubscription
presubscription pretexting Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) primary rate access (PRA) primary rate interface (PRI)
primary/secondary printed circuit printed circuit board (PCB) priority ringing PRI (Primary Rate Interface)
privacy privacy key management (PKM) private automatic branch exchange (PABX) private branch exchange (PBX) Private Integrated Services Network (PISN)
Private IP private IP address private key encryption private paging operator (PPO) private port
Private Signaling System No. 1 (PSS1) Private UNI (Private User Network Interface) privatize procedure program
program program file program file progressive scanning propagation
propagation delay property management interface (PMI) proprietary .pro (professional) protector
protocol protocol analyzer protocol converter protocol data unit (PDU) protocol stack
protocol suite protocol translator provider of last resort proxy proxy firewall
proxy server proxy server PSAP (Public Safety Access Point) PSAP (Public Safety Access Point) PSC (Public Service Commission)
PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment) pseudonoise (PN) pseudoquaternary coding pseudorandom noise (PN) pseudowire
pseudowire emulation edge to edge (PWE3) pseudowire emulation (PWE) PSK (Phase-Shift Keying) PSP (Payphone Service Provider) PSQM (Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement)
PSQM+ (Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement plus) PSS1 (Private Signaling System No. 1) PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) PSTS (Public Switched Telephone System) PTE (Path Terminating Equipment)
PTI (Payload Type Indicator) PTT PTT public data network (PDN) public domain
public IP address public key encryption public key infrastructure (PKI) Public Safety Access Point (PSAP) Public Service Commission (PSC)
public switched telephone network (PSTN) public switched telephone system (PSTS) Public UNI (Public User Network Interface) Public Utility Commission (PUC) PUC (Public Utility Commission)
pull pulse pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) pulse code modulation (PCM) pulse dispersion
pulse shape pulse shaping pump laser pump laser pump laser
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