

vector potential vector processing vector product vector projection(of a vector on a vector) vector space
vector subspace vector sum vector triple product Veda Vedanta
veering Vega Vega probes Vega rocket vegetable
vegetal pole vegetarianism Vegetation and Environment monitoring on a New MicroSatellite vegetation index vegetative propagation
Vehicle Assembly Building vehicle currency Veil Nebula veil of appearance veil of ignorance
vein vein biometrics vein deposit Veitch diagram Vela
velamen Vela pulsar Vela Supernova Remnant Velcro velocity
velocity curve velocity-depth distribution velocity dispersion velocity gradient velocity head
velocity inversion velocity log velocity microphone velocity-modulated tube velocity modulation
velocity of circulation velocity potential velocity profile velocity ratio velocity reversal hypothesis
velocity-sensitive keyboard velocity survey velocity–distance relation velocity–time graph VELOX-1
VELOX-CI velum velvet worms vena cava vena contracta
venation vendavale Vendian Vendobionta Venera
Veneti Venezuela Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite-1 Venice system Vening-Meinesz, Felix Andries (1887–1966)
Venizélos, Eleuthérios (1864–1936) Venn diagram Venn, John (1834–1923) vent vent breccia
vent conglomerate venter Ventersdorp ventifact ventilation
ventilation centre vent out ventral ventral aorta ventral root
ventricle venture capital Venturian venturi effect venturi meter
venturi scrubber Venturi tube venule Venus Venus Climate Orbiter
Venus Express venusian Venus snow VENµS veranillo
verano verbal definition Vercingetorix (46) verdigris Verdun, Treaty of (843)
Vereeniging, Treaty of (31 May 1902) Vereiskian vergence veridical verification
verification and validation verification condition verification(of a simulation model) verification principle verification system
verisimilitude VERITAS vermiculite vermiform appendix vernal equinox
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