

Mendès-France, Pierre (1907–82) Menelaus of Alexandria (ad 100) Menelaus’ Theorem Menelik II (1844–1913) Menevian
Mengistu Haile Mariam (1937–) meninges meniscus meniscus lens meniscus Schmidt telescope
Menkalinan Menkar Menkent Menon, Krishna (1896–1974) menopause
Meno’s puzzle Mensa mensa Menshevik mens rea
menstrual cycle mensuration mental causation Mentalese mental events
mental health, geographies of mental illness mentality mental map mental reservation
menthol mention (and use) of words Mentor Graphics menu menu bar
menu bypass menu costs menu costs of inflation menu-driven program Menzel, Donald Howard (1901–76)
Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon (1894–1978) MEO Merak Meramecian Merbold, Ulf (1941– )
Mercado Común del Sur Mercalli, Giuseppe (1815–1914) Mercalli scale mercantilism mercaptans
mercapto group Mercator, Gerardus merchandise account Merchant Adventurer merchant bank
merchant fee Merchant Stapler Mercia Mercier, Honoré (1840–94) Mercosur
Mercurial Mercurial geologic timescale mercuric compounds mercurous compounds Mercury
mercury mercury cell mercury(I) chloride mercury(II) chloride mercury(II) fulminate
mercury(II) oxide mercury(II) sulphide Mercury Orbiter Mercury project Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging
mercury-vapour lamp mercury–manganese star Meredith incident (1962) mereological sum mereology
merganser mergeable heap merged CMOS/bipolar merge exchange sort merger
merge sort merging mericarp meridian meridian angle
meridian astronomy meridian, celestial meridian circle meridian passage meridian telescope
meridian, terrestrial meridian transit meridional circulation meridional overturning circulation Merioneth
Merionsian MERIS mer isomer meristem meristoderm
merit merit goods Merkel, Angela (Dorothea) (1954–) Merkel’s disc Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1908–61)
MERLIN Mermin–Wagner theorem merocrine secretion merocrystalline meromictic
meromictic lake meromorphic function Merostomata Merovingians Merox process
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