

单词 Mercalli scale
Mercalli scale

Geology and Earth Sciences
  • An earthquake-intensity scale based on direct observation. It ranges from scales I (not felt) and II (felt by most people at rest), to VII (difficult for a person to remain standing), X (most structures destroyed), and XII (total devastation). It is not a reliable scale for energy release because the extent of destruction depends on the local geology, type of buildings, etc. See also moment magnitude scale; richter scale.

  • A measurement of the intensity of an earthquake.

    Modified Mercalli scale of earthquake intensity:

    1. I. Felt by very few, except under special circumstances.

    2. II. Felt by a few persons at rest, especially on the upper floors of buildings.

    3. III. Felt noticeably indoors, although not always recognized as an earthquake. Vibration like passing lorry.

    4. IV. Felt by many indoors during daytime, but by few outdoors. Some awakened at night. Vibration like lorry striking building.

    5. V. Felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. Some breakages, disturbances of trees, telegraph poles.

    6. VI. Felt by all; many run outside. Some heavy furniture moved.

    7. VII. Everyone runs outside. No damage in well-built buildings; moderate damage in ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly constructed buildings.

    8. VIII. Considerable damage except in specially constructed buildings. Disturbs people driving cars.

    9. IX. Damage even in specially designed structures. Buildings shifted from foundations; ground cracked; underground pipes broken.

    10. X. Ground badly cracked. Railway lines bent. Landslides considerable.

    11. XI. Few brick-built structures remain standing, if any. Bridges destroyed. Broad fissures in the ground.

    12. XII. Total damage. Waves observed on ground surface. Objects thrown upward into the air.

    Adapted from US Geological Survey.





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