

uniformity of nature uniformization theorem uniform line uniformly continuous uniformly distributed
uniformly most powerful test uniform resource citation uniform resource locator uniform space uniform substitution
uniform waveguide uniform window unijunction transistor unikonts unilaterally connected graph
unilateral network unilateral transducer unilocular unimodal unimodal distribution
unimodular unimolecular reaction uninstall uninterrupted duty uninterruptible power supply
union Union, Acts of unionfining processes unionized union/non-union wage differential
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics unipolar neuron melanocyte-stimulating hormone melanophore melanosome
melatonin Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount (1779–1848) Melbournian Melekesskian mel frequency cepstral coefficients
melilite melilitite meliorism Melipal Melissa worm
Melissus of Samos (441–440) mellitic acid Melnick, Bruce Edward (1949– ) melon Melroy, Pamela Ann (1961– )
melt melt crystallization meltdown melteigite meltemi
melting point melting pot melt-out till meltout till meltwater
meltwater channel Melville, Sir Harry Work MEM member member bank
member disk membrane membrane attack complex membrane bone membrane distillation
membrane filtration membrane permeation flux membrane potential membrane separation membrane stress
membranous labyrinth meme memory memory access time memory address register
memory bandwidth memory buffer register memory capacity memory card memory cell
memory compaction memory cycle memory data register memory dump memory element
memory fill memory guard memory hierarchy memoryless source memory management
memory map memory mapping memory protection memory reference instruction memory-resident program
memory stick memory-to-memory instruction memory wear Memphis MEMS
Menapian Mencius (371–289) Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich (1834–1907) Mendeleev’s law
mendelevium Mendeleyev, Dmitri Ivanovich (1834–1907) Mendel, Gregor Johann Mendelism Mendel, Johann Gregor (1822–84)
Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–86) Mendel’s laws mendip Mendius reaction Mendoza, Antonio de (1490–1552)
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