

Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) coax (coaxial cable) coaxial cable (coax) cobweb CO (Central Office)
CO Centrex (Central Office Centrex) COCOT (Customer-Owned Coin-Operated Telephone) COCOT (Customer-Owned Coin-Operated Telephone) code code
codec (coder/decoder) Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000) code division multiple access (CDMA) coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (COFDM) code excited linear prediction (CELP)
code set coding scheme COE (Central Office Exchange) COFDM (Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) cognitive radio
coherence collaborative computing collimation collision domain collocation
colocation color sampling color-space conversion combination trunk .com (commercial)
comfort noise Comité Européen de Normalisation Committed Burst Size (B ) Committed Information Rate (CIR) common air interface (CAI)
common air interface (CAI) common battery common battery common carrier Common Carrier Line Charge (CCLC)
common channel signaling (CCS) Common Channel Signaling System 7 (CCS7) common control Common Intermediate Format (CIF) Common Profile for Instant Messaging (CPIM)
communication manager Communications Act of 1934 Communications Act of 1962 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) Communications Decency Act (CDA)
communications software community antenna television (CATV) Compact HTML (C-HTML) compaction companding (compressing/expanding)
Companies (RBOCs) compatible Competitive Access Provider (CAP) competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) complementary code keying (CCK)
Compressed SLIP (CSLIP) compression compression compression compromise
CompTIA CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) computer Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Computer Inquiry II (CI II) Computer Supported Telephony Applications (CSTA) computer telephony (CT) Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)
concatenation concentrator conditioned circuit conditioning conductance
conductor conduit cone of acceptance cone of acceptance Confederation of European Posts and Telecommunications (CEPT)
Confederation of European Posts and Telecommunications (CEPT) conference bridge conference call configuration management confirmation
Conférence Européenne des administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (CEPT) congestion congestion management conjugate structure algebraic code excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) connection
connectionless Connectionless Broadband Data Service (CBDS) Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP) connection-oriented connector
Consent Decree console Consortia, Fora, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Consortia, Fora, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Consortia, Fora, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
constant bit rate (CBR) constraint-based routing Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) content blocking continuity algorithm
continuously variable slope delta modulation (CVSDM) continuously variable slope delta modulation (CVSDM) continuous redial continuous redial contraction
Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM Act) control plane control unit conventional band (C-Band) convergence
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