Windows 98 |
windows manager |
Windows ME |
Windows Millennium Edition |
Windows NT |
Windows Phone |
windows system |
Windows Vista |
Windows XP |
window tax |
window width |
windpipe |
wind pollination |
wind power |
wind profiling |
wind rose |
windrow |
Windscale nuclear accident |
wind shear |
Windsor, House of |
windward |
wine |
wing |
Wingate, Orde Charles (1903–44) |
wings |
winkey |
Winkler, Clemens Alexander |
Winkler process |
winner’s curse |
wino |
Winograd’s algorithm |
WinSock |
Winsorized mean |
Winstanley, Gerrard (1609) |
winter solstice |
WinZip |
wiped film evaporator |
wire bonding |
wired logic |
wired-program computer |
wireframe model |
wireless |
wireless access point |
Wireless Application Protocol |
wireless applications protocol |
wireless LAN |
wireless personal area network |
wireless sensor network |
wireline |
wireline logging |
wiretap |
wireworm |
wire-wound resistor |
wire wrapping |
wiring diagram |
Wirtanen |
Wirth, Niklaus (Emil) (1934–) |
Wirtschaftswunder |
Wisconsinian |
wisdom |
Wisdom, Arthur John Terrence Dibben (1904–93) |
wisdom of crowds |
Wishart distribution |
Wishart, John (1898–1956) |
Wislicenus, Johannes |
Wisoff, Peter Jeffrey Kelsay (1958– ) |
wispy annular flow |
wisteria |
Wiswesser line notation |
witan |
witchcraft |
withdrawal reflex |
witherite |
withholding tax |
within-groups estimator |
within-plate basalt |
within-subjects design |
without replacement |
with-profits life insurance |
witness |
witness property |
Wittelsbach |
Witten, Ed(ward) |
Witten, Edward (1951– ) |
Witten, Edward (1957– ) |
Witte, Sergei Yulyevich, Count (1849–1915) |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951) |
Wittig, Georg |
Wittig reaction |
Witt, Jan de (1625–72) |
Witwatersrand |
WIYN Telescope |
wizard |
W. M. Keck Observatory |
WN star |
WNT protein |
Wobbe index |
wobble |
wobbulator |
Wohlwill process |
Wold’s decomposition theorem |
Wolf 359 |
Wolfcampian |
Wolf, David Alexander (1956– ) |
Wolf diagram |
Wolfe, James (1727–59) |
Wolff, Christian (1679–1754) |
wolffish |
Wolff–Kishner reduction |
Wolff’s law |
Wolf, (Johann) Rudolf (1816–93) |
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