A joint Japanese–US X-ray astronomy satellite, known as Astro-E2 before its launch in 2005 July. It observes at a wide range of energetic wavelengths, ranging from soft X-rays to gamma rays (0.2–700 keV), with two instruments: an X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS), consisting of four X-ray CCDs, and a hard X-ray detector (HXD). Four grazing-incidence X-ray telescopes (XRTs) focus X-rays onto each of the four XISs. A third instrument, an X-ray spectrometer (XRS), failed shortly after launch.
http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/e/enterp/missions/suzaku/index.shtml Official mission website.
http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/astroe/astroe2.html Information page at Goddard Space Flight Center.