1. With respect to a set , the property that there exists a decision procedure (an effective means) to determine whether or not any element is a member of . This is to say that there exists an algorithm that can be applied to the pair and in a finite number of steps, will return a value of when and when . A related notion is that of semidecidability, in which an algorithm exists that will return when , but if it may return the value , or may never halt. An important example of a semidecidable set is the set of formulae provable in Peano Arithmetic (). If proves (i.e., if ), then due to the finitude of a proof one will in a finite number of steps come across it. However, there is no effective procedure to determine is not provable in .
2. With respect to a deductive system , the property that either its set of theorems or its consequence relation is decidable.
3. In the context of intuitionistic logic, the property holding between a formula and a theory whenever . In the Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov interpretation of intuitionistic logic, the decidability of a formula amounts to an effective procedure that either produces a proof of or produces a demonstration that entails an absurdity.