year |
yeast |
yeast artificial chromosome |
yeasts |
yeast two-hybrid screen |
yedoma permafrost |
Yegorov, Boris B. (1937–1994) |
yellow body |
Yellow Book |
yellowcake |
yellow Ethernet |
yellow pages |
yellow page service |
Yeltsin, Boris (1931–2007) |
Yemen, Republic of |
yen |
yeoman |
Yepun |
Yerkes Observatory |
Yerkes system |
yew |
yi |
yield |
yield curve |
yield gap |
yield per pass |
yield point |
yield spread |
yield stress |
yield–depression curve |
Yijing |
yin/yang |
Yi, Soyeon (1978– ) |
ylide |
Y magnitude |
Ynezian |
yocto- |
Yoga |
Yogacara |
Yohkoh |
yoke |
yoke mounting |
yolk |
yolk sac |
Yom Kippur War (1973) |
Yongle (1359–1424) |
Y organ |
Yorkist |
York, Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of (1411–60) |
Yorkshire terrier |
Yorktown |
Yoruba empire of Oyo |
Yoshida Shigeru (1878–1967) |
yotta- |
Youden square |
Youden, William John (1900–71) |
Youden’s index |
Young, Brigham (1801–77) |
Young England |
Younger Dryas |
young fold mountain |
younging |
Young Ireland |
Young Italy |
Young, James (1811–83) |
Young, John Watts (1930–2018) |
Young modulus of elasticity |
young mountain belt crustal type |
Young Plan |
Young, Thomas |
Young, Thomas (1773–1829) |
Young Turks |
Young–Laplace equation |
Young’s inequality |
Young’s modulus |
Young’s modulus of elasticity |
Young’s slits |
Yourdon |
YouTube |
Yovian |
yoyo mode |
y parameters |
Ypeenian |
Ypres |
Ypresian |
Ypsilanti, Alexander (1792–1828) |
ytterbium |
yttrium |
Yuan |
Yuan Shikai (1859–1916) |
Yucca |
Yugoslavia |
yuhangyuan |
Yukawa, Hideki |
Yukawa, Hideki (1907–81) |
Yule, George Udny (1871–1951) |
Yule–Walker equations |
Yule’s Q |
yung |
Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre |
Yurmatian |
Yutu |
yu, wu |
YY Orionis star |
Z |
z |
Z3 |
Zabarella, Jacopo (1533–89) |
Zachariasen’s rules |
Zagwe |
zaibatsu |
Zaitsev’s rule |
Zaletin, Sergei (1962– ) |
Zambia |
zamindar |
Zanclean |
Z Andromedae star |
Zanstra method |
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