

单词 cosmology

  • The study of the nature, origin, and evolution of the universe. Various theories concerning the origin and evolution of the universe exist. See Cosmology (Chronology). See also early universe.

    https://cosmology.caltech.edu/ The home page of the Caltech Observational Cosmology Group

    http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/public/cos_home.html A cosmology website run by the University of Cambridge

  • 260 bc

    Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos (c.320–230 bc) proposes a sun-centred universe.

    c.150 ad

    Greek-Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy (2nd century ad) proposes an earth-centred universe.


    Copernicus publishes his sun-centred theory of the universe (solar system).


    English mathematician Thomas Digges (c.1546–95) proposes that the universe is infinite (because stars are at varying distances).


    Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) states that the universe is infinite.


    Galileo champions Copernicus’s sun-centred universe, but is forced by the Roman Catholic Inquisition to recant.


    Helmholtz predicts the heat death of the universe, based on thermodynamics.


    Einstein proposes a static-universe theory.


    Russian astronomer Alexander Friedmann proposes the expanding-universe theory.


    Georges Lemaître proposes the big-bang theory of the universe.


    Edwin Hubble demonstrates the expansion of the universe.


    US physicists George Gamow (1904–68), Ralph Alpher (1921–2007), and Hans Bethe (1906–2005) develop the big-bang theory, and the α-β-γ‎ theory of the origin of the elements; Alpher also predicts that the big bang would have produced a microwave background.

    British astronomers Sir Hermann Bondi (1919–2005), Thomas Gold (1920–2004), and Hoyle propose a steady-state theory of the universe in which matter is continuously being formed.


    US astrophysicists Arno Penzias (1933– ) and Robert Wilson (1936– ) discover the microwave background radiation.


    US physicist Alan Guth (1947– ) proposes the inflationary theory of the universe.


    US COBE astronomical satellite detects ripples in residual cosmic radiation (cited as evidence of the big bang and ideas about the origin of large-scale structure).


    Studies of supernovae indicate that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.


    The ekpyrotic universe model is proposed as an alternative to the inflationary model.


    WMAP shows that about 70% of the energy of the universe is dark energy and that the universe is about 13.7 billion years old. WMAP also provides evidence for the big-bang theory and the general idea of inflation.


    The Planck satellite improves on the findings of WMAP, leading to the age of the universe being estimated at 13.8 billion years and some versions of inflation being ruled out.

  • The study of the structure and evolution of the Universe. Observational cosmologists try to measure the properties of the Universe, such as its chemical composition, density, and rate of expansion. Theoretical cosmologists try to explain these properties using the laws of physics. In practice, there are very few observational cosmologists who do not try to understand their observations using theory, although there are many theoretical cosmologists who are not observers. In its broadest sense, cosmology also has philosophical and theological aspects.

    Observations show that the Universe is isotropic and homogeneous—that is, it looks roughly the same in every direction, and an observer at any place in the Universe would see roughly the same numbers of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The assumption that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic is known as the cosmological principle and is the starting point for most theoretical models. These models are usually based on the general theory of relativity, the theory of gravitation devised by A. Einstein.

    Of the four forces of nature, gravity is the only one which operates over large scales. Because gravity is an attractive force, the Universe cannot be at rest—if the Universe were at rest even for an instant, the gravitational attraction between galaxies would immediately make it start to contract. Einstein believed the Universe was static, so he added an extra term, the cosmological constant, to his equations to counter the effect of gravity. When the expansion of the Universe was discovered, he came to regard the introduction of this term as a mistake. Mathematical models of the expansion which are based on the cosmological principle and the general theory of relativity (without the cosmological constant) are called Friedmann universes.

    The Friedmann equations lead to the startling conclusion that at some time in the past the Universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Evidence that it was also infinitely hot—i.e. that the Universe started in a hot Big Bang—came from two lines of observation. The first was the discovery in 1965 of the cosmic microwave background. The second was the measurement of the abundance of helium in the Universe. Although most elements are manufactured by nuclear fusion in stars, there is far too much helium around for it to be made in this way. In the Big Bang theory, the helium and a few other light elements were produced by nuclear fusion in the first three minutes after the Big Bang, and the cosmic background radiation was emitted by the Universe when it was in this early hot phase. There are currently no other plausible explanations of the helium abundance or the cosmic microwave background, and as a result the Big Bang theory is accepted by most cosmologists.

    For almost seven decades, the aim of most observational cosmologists was to answer a single question: which one of the three possible Friedmann universes do we live in? The answer appeared to be governed by the average density of the Universe. If the average density were greater than a certain value, called the critical density, the gravitational attraction between galaxies would be strong enough that the Universe would eventually collapse and go through a reverse Big Bang—the Big Crunch. If the average density were less than the critical density, the Universe would expand forever. If the average density were equal to the critical density, the Universe would eventually stop expanding but only after an infinite amount of time.

    Various approaches to this question were tried, but all methods had limitations and the answers they gave did not agree. In the late 1990s, however, a new set of observational programmes started to give a consistent set of answers to this and many other questions about the Universe. These programmes included detailed studies of the cosmic background radiation which allowed astronomers to estimate, among other things, the curvature of spacetime; direct measurements of the amount of matter in the Universe; and studies of how the brightness of distant supernovae depend on redshift. All of these gave consistent answers, and the universe they describe—which may well be the one we live in—is consequently known as the concordance universe.

    These results, confirmed and refined by NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and by ESA’s Planck satellite, indicate that the Universe started in a hot Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. The curvature of spacetime is zero. The Universe is dominated by dark matter rather than by the luminous stuff in stars and galaxies, but only about 20% of this dark matter consists of the protons and neutrons that make up our everyday world. The average density of the Universe is only about 30% of the critical density, and so it will expand forever. Finally, and most surprisingly, the Universe appears to contain a mysterious force which is pushing the galaxies apart and acts rather like Einstein’s cosmological constant. This force has been named dark energy and is causing the Universe’s expansion to accelerate. If these results are correct, they provide answers to some important questions about the Universe. However, there are two new questions for which convincing answers do not yet exist: we do not know with any certainty what the dark matter consists of, and we have even less idea what the dark energy is. In fact, current cosmological research is exploring the possibility that the accelerated expansion of the Universe could be caused by modifications to gravity on cosmological scales, rather than dark energy.

Space Exploration
  • A branch of astronomy that deals with the structure and evolution of the universe as an ordered whole. Cosmologists construct ‘model universes’ mathematically and compare their large-scale properties with those of the observed universe.

    Modern cosmology began in the 1920s with the discovery that the universe is expanding, which suggested that it began with an explosion, the Big Bang. An alternative—now discarded—view, the steady-state theory, claimed that the universe has no origin, but is expanding because new matter is being continually created.

    There are a number of differences in the conclusions that can be drawn from the steady-state and Big Bang theories. For example, the number of galaxies per unit volume should not change with distance if the steady-state theory is correct, but should increase with distance if an evolutionary theory is correct, for in looking over a distance we are also looking back in time with the universe gradually getting more compact. The latest counts of faint radio sources do seem to indicate an increase in the number per unit volume with distance; they support an evolutionary model. Another piece of evidence for the Big Bang theory is the cosmic background radiation, which was first detected in 1965 and can be interpreted as the radiation predicted as a necessary consequence of the Big Bang. US physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were using a large horn antenna (from July, 1964 - April, 1965] to map signals from the Milky Way, when they serendipitously discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Geology and Earth Sciences
  • The study of the origin and evolution of the universe. The current big bang cosmology derives the observable universe from a singular event 15–20 billion years ago. Previous hypotheses include the steady-state theory, in which the expansion of the universe was due to the continuous creation of matter. The most celebrated of earlier world views was the Ptolemaic system, in which the Earth was the centre of the universe; this was superseded by the Copernican revolution, which displaced the Earth from its central position.

  • The study of the origin and structure of the universe.





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