Asteroid 2060, an unusual object in the outer Solar System discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles Thomas Kowal (1940–2011); also designated 95P/Chiron. Chiron lies well beyond the main asteroid belt, moving from within the orbit of Saturn out to the orbit of Uranus. It was the first of the Centaur group to be discovered. Chiron is estimated to be about 200 km in diameter and has a rather dark, rocky or dusty surface. In 1989 it began to develop a faint coma like a comet, as a result of which it was given a periodic comet designation. Its orbit has a semimajor axis of 13.64 au, period 50.4 years, perihelion 8.42 au, aphelion 18.86 au, and inclination 6°.9. Its rotation period is 5.92 hours. Information page at Cometography website.