

单词 multiplication law for probabilities
multiplication law for probabilities

  • Law for probabilities stating that if A and B are independent events thenmultiplication law for probabilitiesand, in the case of n independent events, A1, A2,…, An,multiplication law for probabilities

    This is a special case of the more general law of compound probability, which holds for events that may not be independent. In the case of two events, A and B, this law states thatmultiplication law for probabilities

    For three events, A, B, and C, this becomesmultiplication law for probabilities

    There are six (=3!) alternative right-hand sides, for example P(C)×P(A|C)×P(B|CA). The generalization to more than three events can be inferred. For definitions of symbols, see conditional probability; intersection.





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