An isolated hill or mound of stratified sands and gravels which have been deposited by glacial meltwater. Lundqvist (2003) Geografiska A 85, 1 is recommended; see also Bennett et al. (2000) Quat. Sci. Revs 19, 7. Kame terraces are flat-topped, steep-sided ridgs of similar fluvio-glacial origin, running along the valley side. They are ice contact features, formed between the side of a decaying glacier and a valley wall; see Lundqvist (1995) Geomorph. 11, 3 and Bennett et al. (2000) Quat. Sci. Revs 19, 7 on lake-bed kame terraces. Moulin kames form below moulins (Carlson et al. (2005) Geomorph. 67, 3–4).