

单词 Dalton’s law
Dalton’s law

  • The total pressure of a mixture of gases or vapours is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its components, i.e. the sum of the pressures that each component would exert if it were present alone and occupied the same volume as the mixture of gases. Strictly speaking, the principle is true only for ideal gases. It was discovered by John Dalton.

  • The total pressure of a mixture of gases or vapours is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its components, i.e. the sum of the pressures that each component would exert if it were present alone and occupied the same volume as the mixture of gases. Strictly speaking, the principle is true only for ideal gases. The law was discovered by John Dalton.

Chemical Engineering
  • A law that states that the total pressure of an ideal mixture of gases or vapours is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its components. The partial pressure is the pressure that each component would exert if it was present alone. The law was formulated by John Dalton (1766–1844).





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