1. (cascading style sheets) A method of specifying the appearance of HTML or XML text in a browser. The style sheet consists of a set of declarations of the type:
H1{colour: red;
font-family: Times;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 10pt;}
This example gives various properties and values of the <H1> tag. The style sheet is either embedded in the document in the <HEAD> section, surrounded by the tags <STYLE>..</STYLE>, or (preferably) in a different file that is called from within the document. The style sheet is ‘cascading’ in the sense that multiple declarations for each element deriving from multiple style sheets can be used at the same time with precise rules defining which declarations are given priority.
2. Abbrev. for centralized structure store.
http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/ The CSS (version 2.1) specification