

单词 value

  • See constant function, function.

  • The importance, worth, or usefulness of something; its material or monetary worth. ‘The crucial distinction between poor and rich countries is in the relative value of the commodities produced in each area’ (Gereffi et al. in G. Gereffi and M. Korzeniewicz, eds 1994). Gidwani and Chari (2004) Env. & Plan. D 22, 4 describe the governmentalization of value: the proliferation of tactics (programmes, laws, codes, standards, and institutionalized knowledges) that ‘interpellate subjects of value who are in subjection to the Darwinian logic of value, yet are animated by its almost spiritual promise of self-betterment’. Smith et al. (2002) PHG 26, 1 argue that a focus on value chains and networks is more useful than a focus on commodities (‘which implicitly embody that value’) per se, in understanding territorial economies in increasingly integrated macro-regions.

  • To acknowledge some feature of things as a value is to take it into account in decision making, or in other words to be inclined to advance it as a consideration in influencing choice and guiding oneself and others. Those who see values as ‘subjective’ think of this in terms of a personal stance, occupied as a kind of choice, and immune to rational argument (although often, and curiously, deserving some kind of reverence and respect). Those who think of values as objective suppose that for some reason—requirements of rationality, human nature, God, or other authority—choice can be guided and corrected from some independent standpoint. See also Euthyphro dilemma, projectivism, relativism, subjectivism.

  • 1. Value = price × quantity. For example, if between two years prices quadruple and quantities in the economy increase by 25 per cent, the money value of gross domestic product rises to 4 × 1.25 = 5 times its former level.

    2. A synonym for price. The theory of value is concerned with explaining the relative prices of goods.

    3. A general term of praise, used in a phrase such as ‘good value’. Value in this sense refers to something similar to price but more important and more permanent. Advertisers claim that their goods represent ‘value for money’; politicians claim the same for their policies.

    4. The magnitude of a variable or parameter.





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