c.1590 | Dutch spectacle-makers Hans and Zacharias Janssen invent the compound microscope. |
1610 | German astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) invents the modern compound microscope. |
1675 | Anton van Leeuwenhoek invents the simple microscope. |
1826 | British biologist Dames Smith (d. 1870) constructs a microscope with much reduced chromatic and spherical aberrations. |
1827 | Italian scientist Giovanni Amici (1786–1863) invents the reflecting achromatic microscope. |
1861 | British chemist Joseph Reade (1801–70) invents the kettledrum microscope condenser. |
1912 | British microscopist Joseph Barnard (1870–1949) invents the ultramicroscope. |
1932 | Dutch physicist Frits Zernike (1888–1966) invents the phase-contrast microscope. |
1936 | German-born US physicist Erwin Mueller (1911–77) invents the field-emission microscope. |
1938 | German engineer Ernst Ruska (1906–88) develops the electron microscope. |
1940 | Canadian scientist James Hillier (1915–2007) makes a practical electron microscope. |
1951 | Erwin Mueller invents the field-ionization microscope. |
1978 | US scientists of the Hughes Research Laboratory invent the scanning ion microscope. |
1981 | German physicist Gerd Binning (1947– ) and Swiss physicist Heinrich Rohrer (1933–2013) invent the scanning tunnelling microscope. |
1985 | Gerd Binning invents the atomic force microscope. |
1987 | James van House and Arthur Rich invent the positron microscope. |
1990 | Richard Henderson produces the first atomic-resolution images of a protein using cryo-electron microscopy. |
1992 | Douglas Prasher clones the gene for green fluorescent protein, paving the way for the use of fluorescent proteins in microscopy. |
1994–96 | Stefan Hell and colleagues introduce the first techniques of super-resolution microscopy, thus breaking the ‘diffraction barrier’ of light microscopy. |
2002 | A photoactivable green fluorescent protein is developed that fluoresces only when activated by violet or ultraviolet light. |
2006 | Further advances in super-resolution microscopy are introduced: photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). |
2008 | Live embryo development in zebrafish recorded by Philipp Keller and colleagues using digital scanned laser lightsheet fluorescence microscopy. |
2013 | Researchers at Stanford University develop CLARITY, a new technique for visualizing intact entire organs by replacing lipids with transparent hydrogel-based mesh to enable successive rounds of staining and antibody labelling. |
2016 | Cryo-electron microscopy used to visualize the structure of the nucleosome core particle with high resolution. |
2018 | First ultrathin optical lenses based on metasurface materials constructed to produce full-colour images. |