A measure of how variations in the return on a particular share correlate with variations in the return on a market index. The beta coefficient is used as a summary of the riskiness of an asset. If rit is the return on asset i from time t − 1 to time t, and rIt is the return on the market index, βi is calculated by finding the best fit to
so the beta of asset i is defined by where is the variance of the return on the index representative of the market and σiI is the covariance between the return on asset i and the return on the index. In the special case of the Capital Asset Pricing Model the index I is the market portfolio. Beta is used as a measure of risk because the variance of return for asset i is
where is the part of the variance unexplained by the index. βi < 0 means that ri moves opposite to the market on average; a zero or low value of βi means that the asset has mainly idiosyncratic risk, independent of overall market movements; a positive value of βi means that ri moves on average with the market.