1. According to the theory of judgement of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), any judgement or inference in which the consequent is ‘contained in’ or ‘part of’ the content of the antecedent. The relationship of entailment in an analytic judgement is one in which inference proceeds from a literal conceptual analysis of the antecedent. For example, Kant counts the sentence:
as analytic because the concept corresponding to ‘bachelorhood’ is identical to the conjunction of the concepts of ‘maleness’ and ‘unmarried-ness’. Hence, to conclude that if is a bachelor then is unmarried is literally a ‘breaking apart’ of the concept of bachelorhood. In distinction to analytic judgements, a statement such as:
is ampliative because its truth follows from facts not found within the concept of bachelorhood, e.g., social demographics, social trends, etc.
2. Describes any sentence that is true in virtue of the meanings of the words appearing in it, i.e., a sentence whose truth can be established by an analytic judgement in the foregoing sense.
3. In a propositional logic , describes conditional connectives interpreted as capturing essential features of Kantian analytic judgements. Formally, analytic conditionals are those with the feature that a formula is an -theorem only if every atomic formula appearing as a subformula of is a subformula of .
4. In proof theory, a proof in a sequent calculus that is cut free, that is, a proof in which no instance of the cut rule is applied.