1. In electronics, a number of impedances connected together to form a system that consists of a set of interrelated circuits and that performs specific functions. The behaviour of the network depends on the values of the components, such as the resistances, capacitances, and inductances, from which it is formed and the manner in which they are interconnected. The values of the components are termed the network parameters or network constants. The nomenclature of networks describes either the type of component, the method of interconnection, or the expected behaviour of the network.
Networks are described as resistive, resistance-capacitance (R-C), inductance-capacitance (L-C), inductance (L) networks, etc., depending on their components.
A point within a network at which three or more of the elements are joined is termed a node (or branch point); points 1–8 in Fig. c are nodes. A conducting path between two such points is termed a branch (1–2, 3–4, etc., in Fig. c). A voltage at a point in the network measured relative to the voltage at a designated node is termed a node voltage. A closed conducting loop in the network (e.g. 1, 3, 7, 5, 1) forms a mesh contour, and the portion of the network bounded by it is termed a mesh. Any branch that is common to two or more meshes is a mutual branch (e.g. 5–6). Two branches of a network are said to be conjugate if an e.m.f. in one of them does not produce a current in the other. The currents circulating in the meshes are known as mesh currents.
The behaviour of a network may be analysed by applying Kirchhoff’s laws to each mesh in the network in turn; both the real and imaginary parts of the complex impedances involved must be satisfied simultaneously. For a large network containing many meshes, as with many types of filter network, this method is very cumbersome. An alternative is to apply Thévenin’s theorem or Norton’s theorem to a linear network; these theorems however cannot be applied to nonlinear networks.
Analysis of linear networks can most usefully be done by considering the network as a two-port network and deriving sets of equations relating the currents, voltages, and impedances at the input and output; this is known as two-port analysis. Fig. d shows a passive two-port network with an input source consisting of a voltage generator Vs of internal impedance Zs. Fig. e shows an active two-port network presenting an input impedance z1 to the input source Vs of internal impedance Zs, and appearing as a current generator gmv1 shunted by a resistance r0 and producing a voltage v2 in the output circuit (gm being the transconductance).
Three different sets of equations can be written down: the impedance equations, the admittance equations, and derived from these the hybrid equations. The impedance equations can be written in the form of a matrix:
Equivalent matrices can be written for the hybrid and admittance equations. The constants in these equations are known as z, h, and y parameters, respectively, or collectively as two-port parameters. Three-terminal devices, such as transistors, can be represented as two-port networks that have two terminals joined together (see transistor parameters).
In the case of nonlinear networks the matrix equations are only true for small changes of current and voltage. In such cases the two-port parameters are termed small-signal parameters and are quantities that change value according to the operating conditions of the device.
The input and output impedances of a network, v1/i1 and v2/i2, can be calculated from the matrix equations; it can be shown that v1/i1 depends on the load impedance ZL connected to the output and conversely that v2/i2 depends on the impedance Zs of the source connected to the input.
The driving-point impedance is the impedance presented at a pair of terminals of a network of four or more terminals, under designated conditions at the other pair(s) of terminals. In the limiting case, for a two-port network, if the input (or output) is open circuit, the output (or input) impedance is the open-circuit impedance. The other limiting case is when the input (or output) is a short circuit in which case the output (or input) impedance is the short-circuit impedance. The quantities v2/i1 and v1/i2 are the transimpedances of the network under open-circuit conditions, i.e. when i2 = 0 and i1 = 0, respectively.
2. In communications, a collection of resources used by a group of users to exchange information. In a local area network (LAN), users generally belong to a single organization located on a single site or a small number of nearby sites. A wide area network (WAN) is also usually operated by a single organization but communications are over large distances. Communication paths in a network are established and switched between computer terminals following agreed procedures known as protocols. The communication lines may include cables, optical fibres, phone lines, or radio links. These communication lines are interconnected at points known as nodes. The nodal device may be an electrical interface or a computer. See also digital communications; bus network; ring network; star network.