A soft silvery metallic element belonging to the lanthanoids; a.n. 60; r.a.m. 144.24; r.d. 7.004 (20°); m.p. 1021°C; b.p. 3068°C. It occurs in bastnasite and monazite, from which it is recovered by an ion-exchange process. There are seven naturally occurring isotopes, all of which are stable, except neodymium–144, which is slightly radioactive (half-life 1010–1015 years). Seven artificial radioisotopes have been produced. The metal is used to colour glass violet-purple and to make it dichroic. It is also used in misch metal (18% neodymium) and in neodymium–iron–boron alloys for magnets. It was discovered by Carl von Welsbach (1856–1929) in 1885.
https://www.webelements.com/neodymium/ Information from the WebElements site