

单词 retail price index
retail price index

  • A measure of the value of money in which the cost, C, of a standard collection, or basket, of goods and services at some particular date is compared with the cost, C0, of an equivalent collection at a base date. The RPI is 100×C/C0, so that at the base date the RPI is 100. The basket is defined to represent the expenditure of a typical household, and the contents of the basket are changed periodically to accommodate changes in the pattern of expenditure. The RPI is a weighted average of the prices of the goods and services in the basket. See also price index.

  • The official UK cost of living index. The RPI is based on a monthly survey of the prices of UK consumer goods and services, and is used as the basis for payments on index-linked government securities, and pensions and allowances. ‘RPI’ is in fact a misleading description, as it covers many forms of consumer expenditure such as rents, mortgage interest, and public utility charges which do not pass through retail outlets. The RPI measures prices inclusive of value-added tax and other indirect taxes, and so may change as the result of changes in indirect taxation. In many countries a similar index is referred to as a consumer price index. See also rpix.





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