

单词 resonant circuit
resonant circuit

  • A reactive circuit (see reactance) so arranged that it is capable of resonance. In a series resonant circuit a resistor, inductor, and capacitor are arranged in series. Resonance occurs when the impedance (Z) is a minimum and the current amplitude therefore a maximum. In a parallel resonant circuit the inductance and capacitance are in parallel and resonance (with minimal current amplitude) occurs at maximum impedance. The frequency at which resonance occurs is called the resonant frequency. In a series resonant circuit


    where ω‎=2π‎f and f is the frequency, R is the resistance, L is the inductance, and C is the capacitance. At resonance, Z is a minimum and ω‎L=1/ω‎C, i.e. the circuit behaves as if it is purely resistive. In the parallel circuit, resonance occurs when R2+ω‎2L2=L/C, which in most cases also approximates to ω‎L=1/ω‎C. Resonant circuits are widely used in radio to select one signal frequency in preference to others.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • A circuit that contains both inductance and capacitance so arranged that the circuit is capable of resonance. The frequency at which resonance occurs – the resonant frequency – depends on the value of the circuit elements and their arrangement.

    A series resonant circuit contains the inductance and capacitance in series. Resonance occurs at the minimum combined impedance of the circuit and a very large current is produced at the resonant frequency; the circuit is said to accept that frequency. A parallel resonant circuit contains the circuit elements arranged in parallel. Resonance occurs at or near the maximum combined impedance of the circuit (see resonant frequency). The overall current in the circuit is a minimum at the resonant frequency, a voltage maximum being produced; the circuit is said to reject that frequency. See also tuned circuit.





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