

单词 random variable
random variable

  • A quantity that takes different numerical values according to the result of a particular experiment. For example, if a die is rolled, then the number rolled is a random variable on the sample space of possible rolls.

    A random variable is discrete if the set of possible values is finite or denumerable. For a discrete random variable, the probability of its taking any particular value is given by the probability mass function.

    A random variable is continuous if possible outcomes are distributed over uncountably many values and the cumulative distribution function FX(x) = P(X ≤ x) is a continuous function. If FX is piecewise differentiable, then the derivative fX is the probability density function.

    Some random variables are mixed in the sense of having both discrete and continuous characteristics. For example, in modelling the lifetime T of a light bulb, there may be a non-zero probability p of the light bulb blowing immediately (so T=0) and the remaining 1–p is distributed over T>0 continuously.

    Formally, a random variable on a probability space Ω‎ is a measurable function X:Ω‎→ℝ.

  • When the value of a variable is subject to random variation, or when it is the value of a randomly chosen member of a population, it is described as a random variable—though the adjective ‘random’ may be omitted. See probability distribution.

  • A quantity that may take any of a prescribed set of values with relative frequency determined by its probability distribution.

  • Intuitively, a variable, such as height, that can take various values in a population, and such that some values have some probability of occurrence, and others a different probability (for example, there might be a probability of one in ten that a person is 5′ 8′′ tall, but only one in a thousand that he or she is 6′ 8′′ tall). In probability theory a random variable is a variable X that can take any one of a finite or countably infinite range of values, each with a probability. The distribution of a random variable is the set of pairs (xi, Prob X=xi), giving the probability associated with each value in the range. In the example, (5′ 8′′, 0·1) would be one member of the distribution of the random variable of height in a population, if 10% of the population is that tall.

  • A function that maps the outcomes of a random experiment onto the real numbers. For example, one can define a random variable X as taking value 0 when a tossed coin shows ‘heads’ and value 1 when the coin shows ‘tails’. A random variable is characterized by a probability distribution, i.e. the set of all possible values that it can assume and the corresponding probabilities. A random variable is continuous, or has a continuous distribution, if it can take any values from an interval, bounded or unbounded; and it is discrete, or has a discrete distribution, if it can only take a countable, finite or infinite, number of values.





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