The study of the numbers of populations and the variations of these numbers in time and space. The main determinants are birth and death rates and migration; which, in turn, reflect levels of development, and socio-economic and cultural factors. See Millington et al. (1999) App. Geog. 19, 4 on population dynamics and socio-economic change; Bhandari and Grant (2007) J. Rural & Comm. Dev. 2 on population dynamics and land use; Ahn in H.-R. Kim and B. Song (2007) on population dynamics and urbanization in Korea. See also H. Macbeth and P. Collinson, eds (2002); try L. M. Hinter (2000) on the environmental implications of population dynamics. For geolinguists, see N. Komarova and M. Nowak (2002) on the population dynamics of grammar acquisition.