

单词 decentralization

  • The devolution of decision-making powers to the lowest levels of government authority. Bryld (2001) Democratization 8, 3 questions the use of decentralization as a development strategy. However, Faguet (2003) Crisis States, W. Paper 29 argues that decentralization in Bolivia ‘put real power over public resources in the hands of ordinary citizens’. National governments may use decentralization to regenerate declining regions; see K. Altes (2002) Urb. Studs 39, 8 on decentralization in the Netherlands. In 2003, the government of the Republic of Ireland began the transfer of complete government departments to provincial locations.

    http://www.decentralisation.gov.ie/ Decentralization in the Republic of Ireland.

  • 1. The dispersal of the power and duty to take decisions away from the centre and towards other bodies. Within the public sector this means leaving decisions to local or regional government rather than central government. In the private sector it means devolving decisions to divisions or subsidiaries of firms instead of taking them at headquarters. Decentralization may also be pursued by transferring decisions from the state to private bodies such as housing associations, or by breaking up monopolistic companies.

    2. The attainment of a chosen economic allocation by the redistribution of initial resources followed by competitive trading. The practical relevance of the decentralization argument depends on the extent to which resources can be redistributed and the absence of market failure. See also Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics.





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