

单词 ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain)

ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain)

In the Internet Domain Name System (DNS), the right-

most portion of the address — the domain — identifies the type of entity owning or sponsoring the address.The several types of Top Level Domains (TLDs) include generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) and country codes. If a country code is used in the address, the gTLD becomes a secondary domain. Country codes are neutral two-character codes established and maintained by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency.

The government of each nation manages the use of country codes, which are appended to the standard address, and are necessary only if the target country domain differs from the country domain of origin.

Example country codes include .am (Armenia), .ca (Canada), .fm (Federated States of Micronesia), .jp (Japan), .tv (Tuvalu), .us (United States), and .za (South Africa). In March 2005, ICANN approved .eu as a regional country code for the European Union.This first regional TLD is administered by EURid, a consortium of the ccTLD registry operators of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Sweden, and Italy. See also DNS, domain, gTLD, Internet, and ISO.





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