1. (cycle time) An interval of time in which one set of events or phenomena is completed. It is usually the time required for one cycle of the memory system—the time between successive accesses—of a computer, and is sometimes considered to be a measure of computer power.
2. Any set of operations that is repeated regularly and in the same sequence. The operations may be subject to variations on each repetition.
3. (circuit) of a graph. A path that starts and ends at the same vertex. A cycle is said to be simple provided no edge appears more than once, and is elementary if no vertex (other than the start) appears more than once. See also Euler cycle, Hamiltonian cycle.
4. A permutation of a set that maps some subset
S in such a way that each
ti is mapped into
ti+1 (
i = 1, 2,…,
m−1) and
tm is mapped into
t1; the remaining elements of
S are left unaltered by the permutation. Two cycles
are disjoint provided the sets
are disjoint. Every permutation of a set can be expressed uniquely as the composition of disjoint cycles.