The function F, for a random variable X, defined for all real values of x by
Clearly, F(−∞)=0, and F(∞)=1, where F(−∞) and F(∞) are the limits of F(x) as x tends to −∞ and ∞, respectively. This function is a non-decreasing function such that if x2>x1 then F(x2)≥F(x1). If X is a continuous random variable then F is a continuous function, and conversely. If X has probability density function f then
and f(x)=F′(x), where F′(x) denotes the derivative of F(x).
A useful property of F is that, for any value of x, there is a corresponding value u, 0≤u≤1, such that 
In the case where F is a continuous and increasing function for a≤x≤b, the random variable U defined by U=F(X) has a continuous uniform distribution on the interval 0≤u≤1, and, for a given value of U, the corresponding value of X is given by F−1(U). See simulation.
In the case of a discrete random variable, the distribution function is a step function, in which the step at xj is P(X=xj), and F(x) → F(xj) as x → xj from above, but F(x) → F(xj−1) as x → xj from below.