

单词 catena

  • A line of craters, usually overlapping, also known as a crater chain; pl. catenae. The name is not a geological term but is used in the nomenclature of individual features on planets and satellites. Examples are Tithoniae Catenae on Mars and Gipul Catena on Callisto.

Geology and Earth Sciences
  • 1. Topographic sequence of soils, of the same age and usually on the same parent material, that is repeated across larger landscape transects. Individual soil-profile types are related to site conditions and to position on a slope. The term was introduced in E. Africa in the 1930s, and is mainly applicable in certain non-glaciated landscapes, particularly those with small, hilly relief, e.g. loess areas.

    2. A chain of craters on the surface of an extraterrestrial body.

  • A sequence of soil types arising from the same parent rock, but distinct from each other because of the variations—such as leaching and mass movement—arising from topography. De Alba et al. (2004) Catena 58, 1 present a model of catena evolution.







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