A blue-white metallic element; a.n. 30; r.a.m. 65.38; r.d. 7.1; m.p. 419.88°C; b.p. 907°C. It occurs in sphalerite (or zinc blende, ZnS), which is found associated with the lead sulphide, and in smithsonite (ZnCO3). Ores are roasted to give the oxide and this is reduced with carbon (coke) at high temperature, the zinc vapour being condensed. Alternatively, the oxide is dissolved in sulphuric acid and the zinc obtained by electrolysis. There are five stable isotopes (mass numbers 64, 66, 67, 68, and 70) and six radioactive isotopes are known. The metal is used in galvanizing and in a number of alloys (brass, bronze, etc.). Chemically it is a reactive metal, combining with oxygen and other nonmetals and reacting with dilute acids to release hydrogen. It also dissolves in alkalis to give zincates. Most of its compounds contain the Zn2+ ion.
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