

单词 Miller indices
Miller indices

  • A set of three numbers that characterize a face of a crystal. The French mineralogist René Just Haüy (1743–1822) proposed the law of rational intercepts, which states that there is always a set of axes, known as crystal axes, that allows a crystal face to be characterized in terms of intercepts of the face with these axes. The reciprocals of these intercepts are small rational numbers. When the fractions are cleared there is a set of three integers. These integers are known as the Miller indices of the crystal face after the British mineralogist William Hallowes Miller (1801–80), who in 1839 pointed out that crystal faces could be characterized by these indices.

    If a plane is parallel to one of the crystal axes then its intercept is at infinity and hence its reciprocal is 0. If a face cuts a crystal axis on the negative side of the origin then the intercept, and hence its reciprocal, i.e. the Miller index for that axis, are negative. This is indicated by a bar over the Miller index. For example, the Miller indices for the eight faces of an octahedron are (III), (ĪII), (IĪI), (IIĪ), (ĪĪI), (IĪĪ), (ĪIĪ) and (ĪĪĪ).

Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Triplets of numbers corresponding to the three spatial directions and used to specify particular directions and planes within a crystal structure orientated with respect to the unit cube of the crystal.

Geology and Earth Sciences
  • One of the methods of notation devised to express the intercepts of crystal faces on crystallographic axes, proposed by W. H. Miller. The symbols h, k, and l represent whole numbers which are the reciprocals of intercepts along the a, b, and c (or x, y, and z) crystallographic axes respectively. A face which is parallel to a crystallographic axis is indicated by the symbol o. If a crystal face intercepts the negative end of an axis, a bar negative sign) is placed above the appropriate symbol. A prism will have the general notation of 100 or 110, a pinacoid 001, and a pyramid 101 or 111. When the indices describe a crystal face they are conventionally written without brackets; when they describe crystal form, they are enclosed in brackets.





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