1. With respect to a deductive system , describes any formula for which a semantic presentation of has no countermodels to , i.e., for which with respect to the semantic consequence relation of . The richness and variety of semantics for non-classical logics permit a number of distinct explications of this notion, including:
These conditions are classically equivalent, but are distinct in weaker deductive systems. For example, in a paraconsistent logic whose semantics has truth value gluts (i.e, in which models may assign both truth and falsity), a formula may be both true in every model and yet there may still be a model in which it is evaluated as false (although also true). When a deductive system is sound and complete, validity may also be considered the model-theoretic counterpart of theoremhood, so that a sentence is provable from the empty set of assumptions precisely when the sentence is valid.
2. Where is the semantic consequence relation of a logic , describes any inference (or in the case of multiple-conclusion logic) in which the premisses and conclusion (or conclusions) are related in an appropriate fashion. When is classical logic, the relationship corresponding to validity of an inference is the necessary preservation of truth from to , i.e., the property that for any model , the truth of all formulae in guarantees the truth of in . Beyond classical logic, there are other ways of characterizing the validity of an inference. In semantics with multiple truth values, the validity of an inference may be captured as:
Some non-classical logics constrain the notion of validity by imposing additional demands on the relationship between premisses and conclusion (or conclusions), e.g., by requiring that the conjunction of the premisses has a model or by requiring that a valid inference preserves subject-matter. Given soundness and completeness of , validity of the inference acts as a semantic analogue of the provability of from a set of premisses .