A catalogue of 324 198 stars down to 9th magnitude from the north celestial pole to declination 2° south. It was compiled at Bonn, Germany, by F. W. A. Argelander; most of the observations were made by Eduard Schönfeld (1828–91) and (Carl Nicolaus) Adalbert Krüger (1832–96). It was published in three volumes in 1859–62, with an associated atlas in 1863. The catalogue was extended to 23° south in 1886 by Schönfeld, adding 133 659 stars, with an atlas in 1887. Many stars are still known by their BD numbers as given in these catalogues. See also Córdoba Durchmusterung.
http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?I/122 Detailed description and full catalogue downloadable from the CDS.