A semantic device corresponding to the state of a sentence’s being true or false. In classical logic, the set of truth values is the pair , where corresponds to falsity and corresponds to truth. In many-valued logic, this device is generalized to include states beyond truth and falsity. Additional truth values are employed in different contexts to represent various states: for example, paraconsistent logics frequently employ a state corresponding to a paradoxical sentence’s being both true and false (i.e., a dialethia) while fuzzy logics allow a proposition—perhaps one involving a vague property like baldness—a degree of truth falling within the real interval . Any algebraizable deductive system , i.e., for any logic for which Lindenbaum-Tarski algebras can be constructed, can be given a semantics in which each element of the Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra of the empty theory serves as a truth value.